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be-digital-bdigital-strategie-digitale-measuring-the-information-society International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Measuring The Information Society - 2013

  • By end 2013, there will be an estimated 2.7 billion people using the Internet worldwide. There are still 4.4 billion people who are not yet online.

  • Over 250 million people came online over the last year, and almost 40 per cent of the world’s population will be using the Internet by end 2013.

  • Mobile data traffic will grow at a CAGR of 66 per cent from 2012 to 2017, reaching 11.2 exabytes per month by 2017.

  • The growth in traffic, mostly driven by smartphones, is closely linked to the spread of 4G services. While insignificant today, by 2017 4G is predicted to account for 10 per cent of mobile connections and 45 per cent of total mobile traffic.

  • Young people all over the world are the most active users of ICT.

  • While 30 per cent of the youth population are digital natives today, the report shows that within the next five years, the digital native population in the developing world is expected to double.

  • According to ITU estimates, there will be 6.8 billion mobile-cellular subscriptions by the end of 2013 – almost as many as there are people on the planet.

  • According to Cisco, global mobile data traffic grew by 70 per cent in 2012, to a level which corresponds to almost 12 times the entire Internet traffic in 2000. Half of the traffic was video traffic. Cisco forecasts that global mobile data traffic will increase 13-fold between 2012 and 2017.

  • By end 2013, ITU estimates that the gender gap in Internet usage will be 11 per cent globally, 2 per cent in developed countries and 16 per cent in developing countries.

  • Men access the Internet more than women in commercial Internet access facilities (such as cybercafés); and that men tend to be online more frequently than women.

  • There is no doubt that ICTs (Information and Communications Technology) continue to be a key enabler for social and economic development. Access to new technologies is important for ensuring full participation by all in new opportunities related to employment, education, health, governance, peace-building, etc ...

  • Available data suggest that women tend to use the Internet more than men for educational activities.

Un milliard de smartphones en 2013, Samsung creuse l'écart sur Apple
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Les smartphones ont battu tous les records en 2013.
Un peu plus d'un milliard de téléphones intelligents ont été vendus l'an dernier, soit 38% de plus qu'en 2012, selon des chiffres publiés lundi par IDC.
À titre de comparaison, c'est trois fois plus que le nombre maximal de PC jamais vendus en une année dans le monde. Désormais, plus d'un téléphone sur deux vendu dans le monde (55,1%) est un smartphone.
Android 78% du Marché en Chine, 68% chez les 5 plus grands européens
be-digital-bdigital-strategie-digitale-silicon-site-des-decideurs - Le site des décideurs IT

La plupart des smartphones vendus en 2013 fonctionnaient sous Android.
Dans les cinq plus grands pays européens, le système mobile de Google a par exemple atteint 68% du marché au cours des trois derniers mois de l'année.
Le premier concurrent d'Android et d'iOS est maintenant Windows Phone

Android et iOS écrasent le marché des smartphones
be-digital-bdigital-strategie-digitale-idc-analyze-the-futur IDC Home: The premier global market intelligence firm

IDC annonce les chiffres de ventes des smartphones pour le quatrième trimestre et l’année 2013.

Il en ressort une écrasante domination du duo Android et iOS qui ne laisse que des miettes aux autres plates-formes.

Au sein de la plate-forme Android, Samsung est le leader absolu avec 39,5% des parts de marché devant Lenovo qui dépasse Huawei.

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